Thursday, February 28, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #008

All about cinematography! The first of three shows focusing on how to introduce students to cinematography – camera shots, camera movements, storyboarding and some great project ideas you can use in class. We’ll discuss how to use the opening of Spielberg’sE.T. as a great model for students to see the principles of cinematography in action. Also Hot Topics of the week: Emerging ways to share and store your media: Google drive and iCloud.

iDig Video #008 Intro2 Cinematography

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Getting iTunes Missing Cover Artwork iTunes 11

In iTunes 11 the option to get missing cover art has moved slightly.  The option which used to be found under Advanced in the menu bar is now under File > Library > Get Album Artwork. iTunes will download all the album art it can find, completely free. Depending on how much artwork it needs to find it could take a while.

If you are looking for more lost media then check out 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #007

Singer and musician Liz Smolinski joins us to discuss how she teaches students to listen to music from a fresh perspective – and then create innovative audio tracks for their videos. Liz shares some very cool lesson ideas for  getting students to go way beyond just adding music tracks to a finished video – as they  discover how to hear and then create amazing audio!

iDig Video #007 Create Amazing Audio!

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom