Thursday, June 27, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #017

iDig Video #17 – The New Media

The new iMacs may change how we use and store our media. If this is the end of physical media – how will schools share and store their student media projects in the future?
Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #016

iDig Video #16: Enter the CT Student Film Festival!

  Apple Distinguished Educator Matthew Worwood discusses how to create exciting student video projects – such as the 84 hr film challenge –  and then organize a film festival to showcase the work. Students can even submit work created on their iPhones! Also the pros and cons of Final Cut X.
Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #015

iDig Video #15: Creativity in your Classroom!

ADE Matthew Worwood, from the Center for 21st Century Skills, joins the podcast as we discuss innovative techniques and ideas for infusing creativity in your classroom. Mathew, a digital media specialist, discusses an extraordinary process in which he uses brainstorming and creative problem finding to enable students to access and then utilize their creative energy. The groundbreaking work in creativity that Matthew is doing goes beyond the video classroom – and can be applied to any discipline – at any level!
Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #014

ADE Global Institute participant Rich Colosi joins us for a second podcast on how to create exciting video projects in elementary schools. Rich shares his experiences in setting up a video program as well as in teaching video in a way that will really engage your students in creative and exciting projects. Also – how the use of video can be extremely beneficial in teaching students to read new texts. We end the show with a fascinating look at how video may be used in future classrooms!

iDig Video #14 – Rich Colosi and His Amazing Video Classroom!

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #013

ADE Global Institute participant Rich Colosi joins the podcast with a report of some of the exciting work done by Apple Distinguished Educators in terms of developing content and iBooks Author.  As a first grade teacher, Rich also discusses  how he introduced video in his classroom and shares some of the innovative video projects  he does  with his students.

iDig Video #13: 1st Graders Making Videos!

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #012

Back to School and here are some great ideas to integrate video into your curriculum. Also a look at the pros and cons of mountain lion. And – with video viewing a part of the new nationwide state testing – here are some ideas to intro video literacy into your classroom.

iDig Video #012: Video Ideas for your Classroom

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #011

As video and media assignments become more the norm than the exception – join us for the best  video tips and techniques from our first ten podcasts. James Crawford hosts this podcast which is filled with great ideas that you can use in your classroom in creating video assignments for your students.

iDig Video #11: Best Video Tips from Season 1

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #010

More and more teachers are integrating video projects into their classes. This week Brian Flinn, an innovative painter and fine arts teacher, joins us for a discussion on cinematography and how to teach students some key visual skills that will enable them to begin creating short videos. Also Jim Crawford shares an amazing idea on how a group can collaborate to create a unique video for any  live event!

iDig Video #10 Creating Video Projects

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #009

Where do you start when teaching students about cinematography? How do you start to train the eye of k-8 students as they begin to work on video projects? Brian Flinn, an amazing visual artist, joins us we discuss the elements and principles of cinematography.  Using classic photographs – begin to teach students how to compose a good image. Hear how to build on this foundation and create some cool class projects such as composing images to tell a story in 90 seconds.This is the first of a two part podcast with Brian Flinn.

IDig Video #009 Teaching Cinematography I

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #008

All about cinematography! The first of three shows focusing on how to introduce students to cinematography – camera shots, camera movements, storyboarding and some great project ideas you can use in class. We’ll discuss how to use the opening of Spielberg’sE.T. as a great model for students to see the principles of cinematography in action. Also Hot Topics of the week: Emerging ways to share and store your media: Google drive and iCloud.

iDig Video #008 Intro2 Cinematography

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Getting iTunes Missing Cover Artwork iTunes 11

In iTunes 11 the option to get missing cover art has moved slightly.  The option which used to be found under Advanced in the menu bar is now under File > Library > Get Album Artwork. iTunes will download all the album art it can find, completely free. Depending on how much artwork it needs to find it could take a while.

If you are looking for more lost media then check out 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #007

Singer and musician Liz Smolinski joins us to discuss how she teaches students to listen to music from a fresh perspective – and then create innovative audio tracks for their videos. Liz shares some very cool lesson ideas for  getting students to go way beyond just adding music tracks to a finished video – as they  discover how to hear and then create amazing audio!

iDig Video #007 Create Amazing Audio!

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #005

Media Wizard Don Goble joins us for the first of a two part podcast in which we explore innovative ways for teachers to use video in their classroom. If you’ve never created a video assignment for students or if you have your own media lab – Don Goble offers amazing insights into the value of using video – how to create projects – and why Media Literacy is such an essential tool for all students in the 21st century.

iDig Video #005: How2 Use Video in Class

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #004

This week on iDig Video: In “Hot Topics of the Week” – The new iPads are are out and we give them a test run. In our film segment we discuss how to use two modern classics in the classroom . Also –  kickstart assignments for students to view films in ways that will show them how to use video and audio in innovative ways in their own work.

iDig Video #004: Cool Movies to Teach

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom

Monday, January 7, 2013

My favorite TED talks about the Power of Film

As you know I love the movies and the power of video to move us to another time and place. As I usually do on weekend mornings before the rest of my house awake I caught up on some TED talks.  The recently released TED talk by Don Levy reminded me of some of my other favorite TED talks about different aspects of the movie making process and here they are to share with you.

For more TED videos, check out the playlist the Power of Film

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Podcasts from the vault - iDig Video #003

This week on iDig Video: Video on the iPad! In “Hot Topics of the Week” – The new iPads are on the shelves – hear our discussion about them and the new Apple TV. iMovie and Garageband have special new features on the iPad and we look into how these apps can be used in the classroom. Also Khan Academy’s new iPad App;  TED video lessons for high school and college students; and YouTube for School – how you can use these resources that are changing the face of education!

iDig Video 003: Video on the iPad!

Check us out on the Edreach Network and on  iTunes and subscribe to our new episodes as we talk with some innovative educators who are using video in the classroom

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Most Popular Post of 2012 - Copying files using Terminal

This was one of my shortest posts but seems to be the most popular one.  I have become the data recovery specialist amongst my friends and increasing have been given old laptops and desktops in hopes of recovering any old pictures or files off them for my friends. Without further ado, Mac Integration's Top Post of 2012

Recently I had to recover some files from a friend's Windows XP harddrive, this seems to be becoming a trend for me. I was able to mount the drive in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion using my Universal Harddrive adapter from OWC but I wasn't able to copy files from the drive as a group becuase there were frequent errors with individual files. Since I wasn't able to use finders copy I knew there had to be a way to force copy files from one location to another. Essentially I knew I needed to tell the computer to copy all the files it could from the drive and ignore the rest. Lucky Terminal came to the rescue. After a quick consult with another friend, I was reminded of Terminal's functionality in copying files but all skipping file with errors and moving onto the next file to copy.

Here is how to do it

cp -RfXv "[source folder]" [destination directory]/[foldername]/

cp  - is the command forTerminal to copy.

R - is for Recursive, and will force the copy command to not only hit folders, but all items within, including subfolders.
f - forces Terminal to copy everything without stopping.
X - tells Terminal to overwrite existing files.
v - puts the command into verbose mode, this way you'll see a scrolling list of what is actually happening as it works
Once you hit return, you should start seeing a list of files start scrolling across your screen!